Friday, March 31, 2006

Healthy Smoothies

Healthy Smoothies are a great way to start the day, Have a fruit smoothie for breakfast or with it. Smoothies can offer us a lot more then just great taste. As doctors recommend 5 portions of fruit and veg a day one smoothie can contain nearly all of that or most of that from one tasty drink.
We all know we should eat healthy and exercise regular and even if your not ready to embark on the hole health/fitness journey, smoothies offer a great way to start adding some of those recommended fruit portions to your diet each day.

Strawberry Banana smoothies are an excellent choice. Bananas release natural sugar slow and gives you a long lasting energy boost whereas chocolate gives you a fast instant high followed by a dramatic drop in energy.

Give your kids healthy smoothies instead of soda the great taste will have them asking for more. If your feeling like you want to snack make a smoothie instead, its far healthier then grabbing for chocolate or processed foods and will keep you feeling fuller and statisfied longer.
Little changes soon add up and by eating more of the right things and less of the bad you will soon notice a difference in your mood, and energy.

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